Monday, July 14, 2008

The New School Year

I have a good Christian friend who sat in the nursery with me yesterday who had a good heart to heart with me. I really value her opinion being she is older then I and also home schools. She suggested that I put my kids in public school this year. She said that home schooling isn't for everybody and that sometimes in our lives we get to the point where the children would be better off in public school then at home.
I called another home school mom today to discuss the issue with her also. She is also a good friend and I value her opinion also. Both ladies are people who know how life is in our household and so I know that what they say is beneficial.
The second friend suggested praying and being in the word heavily before making any major decisions. I agree with that also.
A third friend who I love dearly and knows nothing of the whole to home school or not to home school issue sent me an email today. I had been praying since yesterday for God to guide my decision on what I should and should not do. The email I got from the third friend was for Revive Our Hearts with Nancy Leigh DeMoss. She was speaking on quiverful families and how to destress ourselves as mother's who stay at home and raise our children. My first friend was concerned that I was too stressed to home school. The second thought it was a season in life that would soon pass. I listened to the program and felt it was saying that I need to find ways to destress without sending the kids to public school. I need to start making sure I get time for myself and not look at myself, but rather at God.
I have been spending time in the Word everyday and praying more then ever, but wasn't feeling anything change in my life. The lady on the show suggested exercise. I love to exercise, but with six kids find it hard to find time to get anything accomplished. I may have to do my exercise early in the morning when I get up with Mark and save my quiet time with the Lord until after I finish my exercising. I will try this for the next few weeks and see where that gets me emotionally. I can put off my decision for a few more weeks anyway.
Please pray that the Lord guide me in my decision on what to do about schooling next year.

1 comment:

Moohaa said...

Definitely praying for guidance.

Go back to the reasons why you chose home school. Are they still relevant?

I know God will show you the way for your family. Hugs!