Thursday, July 10, 2008

Desert Please!!

I love to bake. I bake all year round and love to try new and exciting desert recipes especially cake. I love cake as much as I love baking.
"This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church. Nevertheless, let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as he himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband." Eph. 5:32-33.
Reverence - 1. a feeling of profound awe and respect and often love 2. an act showing respect

This morning we woke up late. I must have without knowing shut the alarms off of the phones and feel back to sleep. Mark woke up at 5:45 and needed to be gone by 5:30 to get to work on time. I was telling him what I had packed for his lunch and asked if he would like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich besides the salmon and peas I already had ready. He looked at me and said "you don't have anymore cake?" and then I said no you took that last of it yesterday. He then proceeded to look in the cupboards and fridge and freezer. I asked what he was doing and he said " are we short on groceries?" and I told him no. Then I asked him if it was about not having cake.
I never realized that he was enjoying the little chunks of cake I had been packing in his lunch everyday for the past couple of weeks. I know that my husband likes snacks, but he had never really voiced his like of having cake in his lunch. I didn't realize that I should had baked another yesterday when I know I had none.
So today I baked him a Lemon "W0w" cake. I even have two pieces ready for him since he didn't get a piece of cake today. I promised a cake for Miles when he got home from camp on Saturday so I best get one baked for him tomorrow. Knowing the boys that are still home there won't be any cake left for Miles.
I am reverencing my husband by baking the cake. I am showing my respect for his authority over me and showing my love of him by giving him something he truly enjoys. I guess I should have been more loving and had cake ready for him today, but then he also learns to count his blessings when I do the special things for him.
I hate fish. I always have. I tastes to gross and the smell I can live without. My husband loves salmon. So at least once a week I grill salmon for supper. I hate it, but my kids would never know because I make it with a smile on my face and no complaining. I eat it just like I would a piece of cake or something I really enjoy. Again, I am showing my husband love and my kids how a Godly wife should be.
Lately I have been bitter and complaining to anybody who would listen about how horrible my husband is. Today, as I was doing my daily time with the Lord he brought to my attention how I was wrong and sinning against him by doing so. I will have to make amends with my husband for putting him down.
I had written Mark a love letter last week. He had never said anything about it and when I emptied the garbage from his truck one day I just figured he never saw it and I got thrown away with the trash. Last night when he pulled into the drive he sat in his truck for a while. I was outside putting the salmon on the grill and so I walked over to get his dirty dishes as to wash them when I got inside. He was reading the letter. He had just found it. It had gotten pushed to the bottom of his backpack that he keeps his lunch and water in. After he read it he sat in his truck and pondered over it for a while. He then asked when it was written and why I had written it. I told him I wrote it last week or the week before couldn't remember and I wrote it to build up his person. Let him know that I was thinking about him and loving him even if I don't always act like I do.
It is the little things like that that make a man change into the person you want them to be. Not the harping and yelling and treating him like he was one of the kids. The more you pester him the more they act like a 12 year old boy with no brains. I am learning. Slowly but surely I am learning.


Moohaa said...

That's really great that you are still learning. If we stop learning, then we stop growing and become stagnant. I learned that my husband would be encouraged not only by making his lunches (which I don't always do) but by including a verse that I felt God had led me to for him. I noticed sometimes he would tape them into his clipboard and I knew he was encouraged. I remember our pastor talking about encouragement and how it literally means "to make courageous again" and that is what we need to do for our husbands! Keep them courageous so they can succeed and grow which will benefit us and our families in the end.

Have a great night!

Shelly said...

That is an awesome idea. Thanks, I will start doing a daily verse for my husband. Shelly