Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A Day in the Life of a Stay at home Mom

I have never really wrote about a day in our house. What a typical day actually is. I really just write about what is on my mind at the moment. So today I thought I would give you a glimpse in a day at our house.
Most days are the same so there isn't much variety. I get up at 5 a.m. every morning and get Mark his coffee and make him 2 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. If there are leftovers they get packed up for his lunch also. Sometimes he is even lucky enough to get dessert. Last night I made a Too Much Chocolate cake and we didn't even get a chance to eat it so that got packed in his lunch. I hope he enjoys a little sweet snack while working in this hot and humid weather.
While I am waiting for the coffee to finish brewing or Mark to get ready I take the family pooch out and let him run around for a while. Today I actually feed him so that he didn't start barking at 6:30 to be feed. We have to let him run early in the morning or after dark because the old lady next door hates kids and animals and will call the police if she sees him running loose even if he isn't in her yard (which he never is).
I have been going back to bed to sleep for a few more hours, but today all I did was toss and turn and think about my life and how I have lost track of the route I am to be taking. So, on this day I have decided from now on I am going to stay up when Mark leaves and get house work done and study the word while my sweet children are sleeping.
I get the kids up at 9 a.m. and get them feed and dressed. This morning Miles, Gabe, and Elijah had scripture memory school at church at 10. So, while they are there Markus and I sit out in the car. I usually do my weekly ladies Bible study chapter at this time, but got my new TEACH magazine yesterday so decide to read that instead. I am glad I did because it is on organization and that is something that needs done in our house. If you saw my desk right now you would probably cringe. It is piled clear up to the monitor. Sometimes I actually have to move things in order to see the monitor. How sad. I know that my husband hates the mess, but hasn't said anything about it recently. I am hoping to surprise him and have the whole house cleaned by the time he gets home.
While sitting outside the church Markus was exploring the car and spilled my huge jug of coffee all over the floor of the car. So now when I get home I have to clean up the coffee before it starts to smell because I like my coffee with lots of sugar and milk. I hate the taste of coffee, but since I make it for Mark I don't want to waste the rest of the pot.
When I get home I do get the coffee cleaned up and also the spilt laundry detergent from a month ago. Mark will be so pleased because he asked me a few weeks ago to get it cleaned up. I then come into the house and sit at the computer. I have to write a blog on my home school blogger account and try and win a planner I want. So that being done I am now here writing.
The kids just got feed lunch and are now outside playing. After Markus is down for a nap I will get my cleaning done. I also want to make a card for Mark telling him how much I appreciate all the work he does for the family and allowing me to stay home and raise the kids.
I will let the kids play outside until about 5:30 and then they have to come in and shower because we have Bible study tonight at church. I will need to start dinner early to so that we get to the study on time. We usually stand around and chat for a while after the study. The new pastor and his wife are the same ages as Mark and I so we have a lot in common.
When we get home we will either watch a preach on You tube or maybe a board game. We love board games in this house. We may just sit and read the Bible. I try and get the kids to bed by 9:30 every night because we almost always have some sort of activity in the morning.
I go to bed once everybody else is in bed.
Throughout the day I am working on laundry, dishes, and general cleaning. The kids also have to do their daily chores or taking care of the dog, vacuuming, garbage, putting away clothes, rooms cleaned and beds made.
This is what it is like in our house.
I will give you a quick run down of weekly activities that the kids do. On Monday Miles and Gabe have an activity at the library in the afternoon. This summer they are learning about bugs as this is the theme of the summer reading program. Tuesday Corrisa has piano lessons if she is home and I have woman's Bible study at church. Wednesdays we have scripture memory school and adult Bible study at night. Thursdays we have preschool story time and movie at the library. Fridays we don't have anything going on. Weekends are just whatever we feel like doing. Sundays are church days.
This is a day in the life of the Sharp Family.

1 comment:

Moohaa said...

You inspire me! Don't you home school your kids too? I love it. I am really working toward getting up earlier and getting more done. I hear you on the desk thing though. Oy, drives my hubby crazy too. I try to have at least part of it cleaned up before he needs to use it.

What church do you guys go to? What denomination? (Sorry! I'm curious!) What is this teach magazine? Is it helpful? Feel free to email me if you want!