Monday, July 21, 2008

Scared Ya!!!

Miles is always trying to scare me, but I always seem to know that he is hiding. Today I was singing a hymn while doing the laundry and so I didn't hear him. So while walking up the stairs he jumped out and scared me. He thought it was great that he was finally able to scare me. He kept saying I am going to tell Briley how scared you were and I am going to tell dad that I scared you. I told him that I would get him back when he was sleeping so he better sleep with one eye open.
I finally got my oldest two back today. Only for a short while will Corrisa be here, but Briley will be here for a while. Corrisa is enjoying her vacation that is for sure. I know that she hasn't been away from all her brothers this much ever.
Well, I need to get supper for the kids. They have VBS this week at one of the Chapels in town. Have a great week.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I had really hoped in starting my blog that my family would find it interesting and leave a comment or insite on our family's affairs. I guess either they don't find my blog site interesting or they just don't leave a comment. It isn't as though they call me on a regular basis and see how we are and if I do call they are either not answering their phones or not in the mood to talk. Sometimes it just gets lonely.
I still haven't made my decision on where the kids will be doing their schooling. I am still praying for the Lord's guidance in this matter. I have well meaning friends who tell me that they should be in regular school, but they also have great confidence in the public school system. I don't think that the public school system is a great place for kids, hence my reasoning not to send my kids there and the hard decision I am facing now.
I am staying fairly busy with the four boys at home. I took them to the local Y today to swim. I figured we may as well get use out of the membership. They had a lot of fun, but stayed a little too long because Markus was starving by the time we got home so once lunch was started I had to nurse him to get him to settle down.
I started reading Jeanette Oke books a couple of weeks ago after watching her movies of the Love Comes Softly series. They sure butchered the movies in comparison with the books. I read the whole series in less then a week. I haven't sat down and read for years. It feels good to just sit and read an adult book. Of course Markus is right there on my lap trying to get my attention or just wanting to nurse. I think he is nursing more now that Corrisa is gone then he did when he was a baby. At least he is sleeping through the night. That is a plus.
I have been enjoying my quite time with the Lord in the mornings. Makes me feel refreshed. I am hoping once the big kids get back to have a nice walk or run in the morning before my quite time. See if that helps me also. I definitely need to lose some weight. I am at the heaviest I have been in a long time. I usually work myself to death to lose weight, but haven't had the will power since Markus was born. I think I have been suffering from a little depression and doing too much eating and not enough exercise. I love to walk, but with 6 kids tagging along it doesn't seem to be a benefit.
Been having problems sleeping lately. I think I have too much on my mind lately to sleep well. I am not tired during the day, so I guess that is a benefit. I think tomorrow instead of continuing with the book of John I should look up verses on anxiousness. I am in need of reading up on that topic. Well, enough of my boring life for those who do read. Thanks Kelly. Have a good night and until next time.

Monday, July 14, 2008

The New School Year

I have a good Christian friend who sat in the nursery with me yesterday who had a good heart to heart with me. I really value her opinion being she is older then I and also home schools. She suggested that I put my kids in public school this year. She said that home schooling isn't for everybody and that sometimes in our lives we get to the point where the children would be better off in public school then at home.
I called another home school mom today to discuss the issue with her also. She is also a good friend and I value her opinion also. Both ladies are people who know how life is in our household and so I know that what they say is beneficial.
The second friend suggested praying and being in the word heavily before making any major decisions. I agree with that also.
A third friend who I love dearly and knows nothing of the whole to home school or not to home school issue sent me an email today. I had been praying since yesterday for God to guide my decision on what I should and should not do. The email I got from the third friend was for Revive Our Hearts with Nancy Leigh DeMoss. She was speaking on quiverful families and how to destress ourselves as mother's who stay at home and raise our children. My first friend was concerned that I was too stressed to home school. The second thought it was a season in life that would soon pass. I listened to the program and felt it was saying that I need to find ways to destress without sending the kids to public school. I need to start making sure I get time for myself and not look at myself, but rather at God.
I have been spending time in the Word everyday and praying more then ever, but wasn't feeling anything change in my life. The lady on the show suggested exercise. I love to exercise, but with six kids find it hard to find time to get anything accomplished. I may have to do my exercise early in the morning when I get up with Mark and save my quiet time with the Lord until after I finish my exercising. I will try this for the next few weeks and see where that gets me emotionally. I can put off my decision for a few more weeks anyway.
Please pray that the Lord guide me in my decision on what to do about schooling next year.

Home Again

Well, Miles made it home. He was glad to get home. He had a lot of fun. In fact this was a much older and not as nice as the last camp and he said he enjoyed it more. He said not having air conditioning didn't matter and that he didn't get too hot. He said that 5 out of the 7 boys in his cabin were home schooled. He said except for one they were all pretty nice. He said that he spent most of the time by his self because the other boys didn't want to play with him, but it didn't seem to bug him much.
His brothers were excited to see him also. They asked if he bought them presents. Of course he didn't, but he didn't need to. Next year I will send some cards for him to send his brothers. He is anxious to get his film developed. Gabe got into his purchased items and upset Miles and we had to stress to Gabe that Miles private stuff is for him and him only.
Everything is back to normal again. Now we just have to wait for the other kids to get home.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Desert Please!!

I love to bake. I bake all year round and love to try new and exciting desert recipes especially cake. I love cake as much as I love baking.
"This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church. Nevertheless, let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as he himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband." Eph. 5:32-33.
Reverence - 1. a feeling of profound awe and respect and often love 2. an act showing respect

This morning we woke up late. I must have without knowing shut the alarms off of the phones and feel back to sleep. Mark woke up at 5:45 and needed to be gone by 5:30 to get to work on time. I was telling him what I had packed for his lunch and asked if he would like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich besides the salmon and peas I already had ready. He looked at me and said "you don't have anymore cake?" and then I said no you took that last of it yesterday. He then proceeded to look in the cupboards and fridge and freezer. I asked what he was doing and he said " are we short on groceries?" and I told him no. Then I asked him if it was about not having cake.
I never realized that he was enjoying the little chunks of cake I had been packing in his lunch everyday for the past couple of weeks. I know that my husband likes snacks, but he had never really voiced his like of having cake in his lunch. I didn't realize that I should had baked another yesterday when I know I had none.
So today I baked him a Lemon "W0w" cake. I even have two pieces ready for him since he didn't get a piece of cake today. I promised a cake for Miles when he got home from camp on Saturday so I best get one baked for him tomorrow. Knowing the boys that are still home there won't be any cake left for Miles.
I am reverencing my husband by baking the cake. I am showing my respect for his authority over me and showing my love of him by giving him something he truly enjoys. I guess I should have been more loving and had cake ready for him today, but then he also learns to count his blessings when I do the special things for him.
I hate fish. I always have. I tastes to gross and the smell I can live without. My husband loves salmon. So at least once a week I grill salmon for supper. I hate it, but my kids would never know because I make it with a smile on my face and no complaining. I eat it just like I would a piece of cake or something I really enjoy. Again, I am showing my husband love and my kids how a Godly wife should be.
Lately I have been bitter and complaining to anybody who would listen about how horrible my husband is. Today, as I was doing my daily time with the Lord he brought to my attention how I was wrong and sinning against him by doing so. I will have to make amends with my husband for putting him down.
I had written Mark a love letter last week. He had never said anything about it and when I emptied the garbage from his truck one day I just figured he never saw it and I got thrown away with the trash. Last night when he pulled into the drive he sat in his truck for a while. I was outside putting the salmon on the grill and so I walked over to get his dirty dishes as to wash them when I got inside. He was reading the letter. He had just found it. It had gotten pushed to the bottom of his backpack that he keeps his lunch and water in. After he read it he sat in his truck and pondered over it for a while. He then asked when it was written and why I had written it. I told him I wrote it last week or the week before couldn't remember and I wrote it to build up his person. Let him know that I was thinking about him and loving him even if I don't always act like I do.
It is the little things like that that make a man change into the person you want them to be. Not the harping and yelling and treating him like he was one of the kids. The more you pester him the more they act like a 12 year old boy with no brains. I am learning. Slowly but surely I am learning.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Alone again

Well, it is just me and the three little ones again. Miles is at camp this week and Corrisa and Briley are on vacation with their grandparents. Miles was a little nervous about going to camp alone. I didn't know if he would end up staying or not. I have sent him something everyday to give him comfort. I have said lots of prayers for him to. I know that Monday there some storms up there and was worried about that. The cabin he is staying in is so small and jammed pack with six bunk beds. A mom and I opened up the windows and stuck a couple fans in so that the boys might get some relief from the heat. It was so hot and humid when I dropped him off. My mother in law was going to send him a card or two also. I am sure he will do fine, but the mommy heart in me worries about the big guy.
Corrisa and Briley are going to Branson, MO with their grandparents. They will be gone until the 20th. I was hoping to get them back on that day, but their dad seems to want them. I don't know if that will happen beings he seems to be seeing them more then me this summer. I know I get them all school year, but we all miss them when they are gone. Then when they get back Corrisa is leaving again to go to my cousins to learn to quilt. I am sure she will have a fun time with my aunt and cousins. I am sure she will be eating some very good food and maybe even learning a new recipe or two to bring home and try. My cousins and aunt are very good cooks. If I had the time I would go and learn some things from them.
We have been trying to stay busy here. On Monday Gabe had an activity at the library. He learned all about ladybugs. Elijah and I did some puzzles and read while waiting for him. Markus got anxious to leave so we ran to the store and back home and then picked Gabe up. On Tuesday I had ladies Bible study at church and the nursery worker brought her dance machine for the kids to play. They had a blast. After that we went to a free movie at the movie theater. It was Alvin and the Chipmunks. I hadn't seen it yet, but is was good. I hate the chipmunks because growing up my mom played the record for the daycare kids and my brothers all the time. They were so annoying. I guess I will live. Today we have Scripture memory school and right after Elijah has preschool story time at the library. And then nothing until we pick up Miles Saturday.
Well, that is an update on my family.
Hope you all have a great day and maybe week if I don't get back on the computer again.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July

To all the service men past and present THANK YOU for your service to this country. To all the families thank you for sacrificing your family member for us.
We had a campfire with the kids and grilled steaks on it. Then we roasted marshmallow for s'mores. The kids had a blast. Markus loves steak and I couldn't keep it on his stroller tray. That kid was eating so fast and screaming for more. If he isn't as big as his papa Dale when he gets older I will be surprised.
Rufus even got some steak. He didn't care much for the marshmallows.
We were going to camp in the back yard, but the bugs are so bad that we decided against it. Maybe later in the year who knows. Miles will be heading off to camp again on Sunday anyway and Corrisa and Briley will be heading on vacation with their grandparents.
I will be at home with the youngest three and Mark again. I am sure we will have great fun. Maybe we will have another campfire and sleep out this time. We will see.
Well, that is all I have to write tonight. Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A Day in the Life of a Stay at home Mom

I have never really wrote about a day in our house. What a typical day actually is. I really just write about what is on my mind at the moment. So today I thought I would give you a glimpse in a day at our house.
Most days are the same so there isn't much variety. I get up at 5 a.m. every morning and get Mark his coffee and make him 2 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. If there are leftovers they get packed up for his lunch also. Sometimes he is even lucky enough to get dessert. Last night I made a Too Much Chocolate cake and we didn't even get a chance to eat it so that got packed in his lunch. I hope he enjoys a little sweet snack while working in this hot and humid weather.
While I am waiting for the coffee to finish brewing or Mark to get ready I take the family pooch out and let him run around for a while. Today I actually feed him so that he didn't start barking at 6:30 to be feed. We have to let him run early in the morning or after dark because the old lady next door hates kids and animals and will call the police if she sees him running loose even if he isn't in her yard (which he never is).
I have been going back to bed to sleep for a few more hours, but today all I did was toss and turn and think about my life and how I have lost track of the route I am to be taking. So, on this day I have decided from now on I am going to stay up when Mark leaves and get house work done and study the word while my sweet children are sleeping.
I get the kids up at 9 a.m. and get them feed and dressed. This morning Miles, Gabe, and Elijah had scripture memory school at church at 10. So, while they are there Markus and I sit out in the car. I usually do my weekly ladies Bible study chapter at this time, but got my new TEACH magazine yesterday so decide to read that instead. I am glad I did because it is on organization and that is something that needs done in our house. If you saw my desk right now you would probably cringe. It is piled clear up to the monitor. Sometimes I actually have to move things in order to see the monitor. How sad. I know that my husband hates the mess, but hasn't said anything about it recently. I am hoping to surprise him and have the whole house cleaned by the time he gets home.
While sitting outside the church Markus was exploring the car and spilled my huge jug of coffee all over the floor of the car. So now when I get home I have to clean up the coffee before it starts to smell because I like my coffee with lots of sugar and milk. I hate the taste of coffee, but since I make it for Mark I don't want to waste the rest of the pot.
When I get home I do get the coffee cleaned up and also the spilt laundry detergent from a month ago. Mark will be so pleased because he asked me a few weeks ago to get it cleaned up. I then come into the house and sit at the computer. I have to write a blog on my home school blogger account and try and win a planner I want. So that being done I am now here writing.
The kids just got feed lunch and are now outside playing. After Markus is down for a nap I will get my cleaning done. I also want to make a card for Mark telling him how much I appreciate all the work he does for the family and allowing me to stay home and raise the kids.
I will let the kids play outside until about 5:30 and then they have to come in and shower because we have Bible study tonight at church. I will need to start dinner early to so that we get to the study on time. We usually stand around and chat for a while after the study. The new pastor and his wife are the same ages as Mark and I so we have a lot in common.
When we get home we will either watch a preach on You tube or maybe a board game. We love board games in this house. We may just sit and read the Bible. I try and get the kids to bed by 9:30 every night because we almost always have some sort of activity in the morning.
I go to bed once everybody else is in bed.
Throughout the day I am working on laundry, dishes, and general cleaning. The kids also have to do their daily chores or taking care of the dog, vacuuming, garbage, putting away clothes, rooms cleaned and beds made.
This is what it is like in our house.
I will give you a quick run down of weekly activities that the kids do. On Monday Miles and Gabe have an activity at the library in the afternoon. This summer they are learning about bugs as this is the theme of the summer reading program. Tuesday Corrisa has piano lessons if she is home and I have woman's Bible study at church. Wednesdays we have scripture memory school and adult Bible study at night. Thursdays we have preschool story time and movie at the library. Fridays we don't have anything going on. Weekends are just whatever we feel like doing. Sundays are church days.
This is a day in the life of the Sharp Family.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A Merry Heart

Do you ever have one of those days where you wake up in a negative manner? You don't want to do anything but stay in bed and sleep? You can't even function because your heart is so heavy and not at all where it should be? I am not having one of those days, but was thinking how often I do. I feel like I wasted a whole day because I was too busy feeling sorry for me. I tend to do that a lot. I don't always provide the best example for my children. I was looking for verses for Corrisa to study and went to my Created to Be a Help meet book for some verses to study. The second chapter is entitled. Having a Merry Heart.
Do you ever notice when you go at a project with a merry heart the job seems to be done quickly and didn't seem at all hard to finish. I try to sing or whistle while doing a job I don't particularly care to do. Then I find myself in a happy mood rather then complaining about having to do it. Sometimes, I find myself complaining about the simplest of tasks and look at it from my children's point of view and see what a bad example I am being. My mother always made everything seem like a burden. She complained about having to do anything for us kids or my dad for that matter.
I don't want to raise my children with a mother that acts that way. I try to do things differently, but sometimes it just happens to end in a negative manner.
"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones" Proverbs 17:22 How true the Lord's words are. When you are happy you feel good, but when you wake in a negative manner it effects everything around you.
"A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance: but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken." Proverbs 15:13. How many times do we approach a task with bitterness and complaining? I tend to forget that it was God who blessed me with my husband and 6 kids. I forget that it was these precious gifts from God and I shouldn't complain about the things God gave me to take care of.
"Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing. Know ye that the Lord He is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations." Psalm 100.
Again, if we approach everything with the taught that the Lord gave us the ability to do this task we can do it with a merry heart. He gave us health, we could be in a wheelchair and unable to do anything. We could be suffering from cancer and watching life go by from a bed. I know that it isn't always easy for me to be thankful for the work I have to do, but I do it.
My mother often questions me on why I have to get up to get my husband up and ready for work. I tell her that I was created to be Mark's help meet and that he wasn't created to take care of me, but me to take care of him. I was created to make his life easier. That was the purpose of my creation. Yes, he is old enough to get his self up and ready, but if this were to be his last day on earth I would want to know in my heart that I woke up and made his coffee and kissed him goodbye with a merry heart. I would hate to think that I complained and moaned about having to serve my husband who is going off to provide for my family so that I can stay home and raise my children. My husband works in the elements everyday and I can go back to bed, the least I can do is give him my loving attention before he walks out the door every morning.
I will try to remember these verses I have studied many times. I will try to remember my own words written here. I will try to have a merry heart in all I do.