I am sitting and having a conversation with Corrisa about salvation and have her watch a video on Godtube I came across the other day. If you want a good convicting preach look up Paul Washer and watch him. He is the best of the modern preachers.
Anyway, Corrisa was saying how at church camp one of her friends was more interested in flirting with boys then she was with anything else. She said that she wore inappropriate clothes and just acted like a bimbo (my words not hers). Anyway, I told her that maybe she shouldn't hang around this girl anymore and she told me that she didn't want to anyway because she isn't the type of friend she wants to have in life. I am glad that my daughter has a good head on her shoulders.
Anyway, I got to thinking of comments I hear mothers make about their children and the way they behave. I hear the blame go to friends, t.v., relatives, etc. No parent ever blames them self for how their children turn out. In fact they have nobody, but themselves to blame. If we are letting our children hang around these negative influences we can't blame anybody, but ourselves. The Bible says "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6." If you aren't raising them in the way they should go, then how can you complain about how they turn out. If you know your child is having sex and you all you do is put them on birth control to prevent a pregnancy, then you aren't addressing the real issue. You should have sat them down and talked to them about what the Bible teaches about having an adulterous relationship.
I think that now a days parents are afraid of what their children will do if they talk to them about the truth of the Bible when in fact they should be afraid of standing before God and trying to explain to him why our children turned out the way they did. If you let your child dress in a seductive way and then can't figure out why boys are calling and wanting a date with your child then you haven't addressed the verses in the Bible that speak of modesty. 1 Timothy 2:9-15 says In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with braided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;
But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.
Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.
If we don't teach our daughter's how they should behave how can we expect them to behave in a Godly or righteous manner. God gave us the job of raising our children for him. He will be holding us accountable for how they are raised and how they turn out. I think this day and age more and more parents are worried about their fitting into the "in" crowd then they are about how they are walking their walk. We are worried about what clothes are in style and what music everybody else is listening to. I hope that Corrisa continues to wear clothes that are more modest then those of her peers.
Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise; That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth. Ephesians 6: 1-3.
If we don't make our children obey us how do we expect our children to respect people of authority when they get older. If we let them call the shots and do what they please, wear what they please, listen to what they please, watch what they please who are we to expect them to get into heaven one day. "He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes. Proverbs 13:24. Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod or correction shall drive it far from him. Proverbs 22: 15." It says right here in God's word that we are to correct our children. To discipline them, not let them do as they want because they have to fit into a certain crowd.
The Bible talks to us about remaining virgins until we are married. About adultery. I am not trying to be a hypocrite when it comes to this because I myself committed adultery. In fact my first two children are a result of adultery, but I have also told my children of this sin and try not to hide it from them. I also tell my children what the Bible says about adultery. Proverbs 5 says this "My son, attend unto my wisdom, and bow thine ears to my understanding. That thou mayest regard discretion, and that thy lips may keep knowledge. For the lips of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb, and her mouth is smoother than oil: But her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two edged sword. Her feet go down to death; her steps take hold on hell. Lest thou shouldest ponder the path of life, her ways are moveable, that thou canst not know them. Hear me now therefore, O ye children, and depart not from the words of my mouth. Remove thy way far from her, and come not nigh the door of her house: Lest thou give thine honour unto others, and thy years unto the cruel: Lest strangers be filled with thy wealth; and thy labours be in the house of a stranger; And thou mourn at the last when thy flesh and thy body are consumed. And say, How have I hated instruction, and my heart despised reproof; And have not obeyed the voice of my teachers, nor inclined mine ear to them that instructed me! I was almost in all evil in the midst of the congregation and assembly. Drink waters out of thine own cistern, and running waters out of thine own well. Let they fountains be dispersed abroad, and rivers of waters in the streets. Let them be only think own, and not strangers' with thee. Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth. Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always with her love. And why wilt thou, my son, be ravished with a strange woman, and embrace the bosom of a stranger? For the ways of a man are before the eyes of the Lord, and he pondereth all his goings. His own iniquities shall take the wicked himself, and he shall be holden with the cords of his sins. He shall die without instruction; and in the greatness of his folly he shall go astray." "To keep thee from the evil woman, from the flattery of the tongue of a strange woman. Lust not after her beauty in thine heart; neither let her take thee with her eyelids. For by means of a whorish woman a man is brought to a piece of bread: and the adulteress will hunt for the precious life. Can a man take fire in his bosom, and his clothes not be burned? Can one go upon hot coals, and his feet not be burned? So he that goeth in to his neighbour's wife; whosoever toucheth her shall not be innocent. Proverbs 6:24-29." Do we want to be responsible for an adulterous daughter? Do we want our daughter's to walk around half naked and not see that if we had taught them about modesty that they would still be pure at heart and body.
Staying pure isn't "in", but to get into Heaven it is. I guess I just don't want to have to stand in front of God and explain why I did the things I did. I hope my daughter looks at my advice as wise since it is backed by Bible teaching. If my daughter dresses in a not so modest way, I can't blame anybody but myself. I my daughter gets pregnant before she is married then I have failed her and my God for not teaching her how she should act.
I hope that this makes some sense. I have so much more to write, but can't get it in the correct order in my mind to get it typed out. I will have to continue this later.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
What a Night
Well, what started out to be a easy short project, kept Mark and I up until 8 o'clock this morning. I am running on empty. My eyes are so dry I feel like they are going to pop out of my head.
Mark had to get his camper home from the place he was renting in Columbus because his month would be up on Monday. His fuel pump, or so he thought needed replaced, but it was supposed to be an easy fix. Well, we had problems finding a pump and so we had to stop in Council Bluffs along the way to find one.
When we finally got to the camper it was already 9:30. Good thing it stays light out longer over there. Mark was in the process of changing the pump when he discovered that the ground came off so he thought that was the problem. Well, after hooking everything back up and putting everything away he tried starting it. The battery was dead. So the landlord comes out with a battery charger from 1950 and tells Mark that he may need to stay the night. Well, neither of us wanted that and I know that Mark is too stubborn to not finish the job. The landlord goes into his shop and grabs a battery jumper box that is for a not dead battery and we try that to no avail. I say maybe we need to add some gas. So we leave everything hooked up and get ready to go get gas. The landlord says he is going to bed and is taking the jumper box with him.
We go buy a gas can and get 5 gal. of gas. We drive all the way back to the campsite (about 9 miles), put the gas in and still no go. Mark says screw it, I am getting some jumper cables and driving on the grass. The landlord rents out his lawn for campers, but doesn't want anybody to drive on his grass. Mark was going to have to drive the camper over the grass anyway to get it out of the yard, so I am not seeing the big deal.
Anyway, by the time we get back from getting jumper cables it is nearing 2 a.m.. I am tired and so I try and take a cat nap in the veggie mobile. Markus is getting restless, but not waking up so we are good. I fall asleep and Mark asks me where something is and so I am only got a 5 min. catnap. I help him with the camper and it ends up being the cylinode. I think by now it is nearing 3 a.m.. I am so tired by this point I am dying. So we head home. We are driving 45 mph all the way. I am thinking I am never going to get home and in bed. I am tired. My eyes are droopy and I have to drive a stick that I am not the best at driving. I am following Mark in his camper and he is only going 45 mph. We have to stop and get a coffee at McDonald's and get Mark more gas because it only had the 5 gals. we put in. I also have to go to the bathroom and we stop at a rest area. I woke up a couple pulling in with the veggie Mobile and they didn't look too happy as they walked by the truck.
We made it to interstate 80 around 5 a.m. We have about 60 miles to go I think. By now I am so tired I am not sure what time it is. Well, we pass a rest area and as soon as we pass the entrance Mark pulls over and I am wondering why. Well, I get out of the truck head up to his camper and he tells me to try starting it. We try a couple of times and Mark tells me to go around him and pull along the side of the rest area entrance. So, I get into the truck and pull it ahead and then Mark says he wants me to take the baby out of the truck and stand along the side so he can swing the truck around to jump start the camper. It is pretty cool out and the baby is sleeping in a onesie and all I have is a little receiving blanket to cover him with. So, I get out and hold him. I am watching for trucks leaving the rest area and see one starting to move so I walk over to where Mark is and he tells me to put the baby in the truck and try starting the camper while he taps the starter. So, I get in and try and it does nothing. Then Mark discovered what the problem was and I promised not to tell.
We head home and drive the rest of the way without problems. Mark was dozing and missed the exit, but I headed home because the coffee is going through me in a rapid rate of speed. I get home and remember Mark has the house key and Corrisa won't answer the phone. Mark finally gets there and I get to the bathroom. We got into the house at 7:30 a.m.. Markus was wide awake and I was ready for bed. I think Markus decided he was still tired about 8:30 so I got to sleep about an hour before everybody woke up. Nobody can function in the house without mother so every 5 min. a kid was coming in for something. I think I finally made myself give up on sleeping at 11:30. I am tired and need to sleep, but the kids need mom so tonight I am going to bed very early.
Right now I am washing the sleeping bags and then I will hang them to dry and take the kids to the park to play. Since I missed church this morning I am going to try and get to the prayer meeting tonight. Hopefully I will have a chance to get a nap in before then.
Enjoy, Shelly
Mark had to get his camper home from the place he was renting in Columbus because his month would be up on Monday. His fuel pump, or so he thought needed replaced, but it was supposed to be an easy fix. Well, we had problems finding a pump and so we had to stop in Council Bluffs along the way to find one.
When we finally got to the camper it was already 9:30. Good thing it stays light out longer over there. Mark was in the process of changing the pump when he discovered that the ground came off so he thought that was the problem. Well, after hooking everything back up and putting everything away he tried starting it. The battery was dead. So the landlord comes out with a battery charger from 1950 and tells Mark that he may need to stay the night. Well, neither of us wanted that and I know that Mark is too stubborn to not finish the job. The landlord goes into his shop and grabs a battery jumper box that is for a not dead battery and we try that to no avail. I say maybe we need to add some gas. So we leave everything hooked up and get ready to go get gas. The landlord says he is going to bed and is taking the jumper box with him.
We go buy a gas can and get 5 gal. of gas. We drive all the way back to the campsite (about 9 miles), put the gas in and still no go. Mark says screw it, I am getting some jumper cables and driving on the grass. The landlord rents out his lawn for campers, but doesn't want anybody to drive on his grass. Mark was going to have to drive the camper over the grass anyway to get it out of the yard, so I am not seeing the big deal.
Anyway, by the time we get back from getting jumper cables it is nearing 2 a.m.. I am tired and so I try and take a cat nap in the veggie mobile. Markus is getting restless, but not waking up so we are good. I fall asleep and Mark asks me where something is and so I am only got a 5 min. catnap. I help him with the camper and it ends up being the cylinode. I think by now it is nearing 3 a.m.. I am so tired by this point I am dying. So we head home. We are driving 45 mph all the way. I am thinking I am never going to get home and in bed. I am tired. My eyes are droopy and I have to drive a stick that I am not the best at driving. I am following Mark in his camper and he is only going 45 mph. We have to stop and get a coffee at McDonald's and get Mark more gas because it only had the 5 gals. we put in. I also have to go to the bathroom and we stop at a rest area. I woke up a couple pulling in with the veggie Mobile and they didn't look too happy as they walked by the truck.
We made it to interstate 80 around 5 a.m. We have about 60 miles to go I think. By now I am so tired I am not sure what time it is. Well, we pass a rest area and as soon as we pass the entrance Mark pulls over and I am wondering why. Well, I get out of the truck head up to his camper and he tells me to try starting it. We try a couple of times and Mark tells me to go around him and pull along the side of the rest area entrance. So, I get into the truck and pull it ahead and then Mark says he wants me to take the baby out of the truck and stand along the side so he can swing the truck around to jump start the camper. It is pretty cool out and the baby is sleeping in a onesie and all I have is a little receiving blanket to cover him with. So, I get out and hold him. I am watching for trucks leaving the rest area and see one starting to move so I walk over to where Mark is and he tells me to put the baby in the truck and try starting the camper while he taps the starter. So, I get in and try and it does nothing. Then Mark discovered what the problem was and I promised not to tell.
We head home and drive the rest of the way without problems. Mark was dozing and missed the exit, but I headed home because the coffee is going through me in a rapid rate of speed. I get home and remember Mark has the house key and Corrisa won't answer the phone. Mark finally gets there and I get to the bathroom. We got into the house at 7:30 a.m.. Markus was wide awake and I was ready for bed. I think Markus decided he was still tired about 8:30 so I got to sleep about an hour before everybody woke up. Nobody can function in the house without mother so every 5 min. a kid was coming in for something. I think I finally made myself give up on sleeping at 11:30. I am tired and need to sleep, but the kids need mom so tonight I am going to bed very early.
Right now I am washing the sleeping bags and then I will hang them to dry and take the kids to the park to play. Since I missed church this morning I am going to try and get to the prayer meeting tonight. Hopefully I will have a chance to get a nap in before then.
Enjoy, Shelly
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Well, all three kids made it home from camp safe and sound. They had a blast and can't wait until next year. I tell you, I needed to divide myself into three moms to listen to all the stories, which I still haven't heard.
Miles went kayaking, climbed the rock wall, fished early in the morning and saw the fog hanging above the lake. He said it looked beautiful. He said he didn't do any crafts because he spent most of his time at the lake swimming. He said the stories of poop being in the water didn't stop him because he didn't want his week ruined. Miles can't wait to go the next camp in a week.
Briley climbed the rock wall 5 times and I think went fishing one day. He made a spinning top in the craft house. He didn't tell me too much because the big talkers were over powering him.
Corrisa went jet skiing, climbed the rock wall, played lots of games, stayed up most the time talking and doing devotions. She was bounced off the banana boat by two of the men from the church. She made lots of friends. She made a shirt and won a shirt.
They all loved the food except Briley who thought mine was better. The boys were put to work outside and Corrisa is sleeping in the recliner with the baby. She is way too tired to work.
Miles and Briley bought Gabe and Elijah squirt guns. Miles bought me a big box of dots candy. And nobody bought Mark anything.
I started on the laundry. I thought I was going to need a gas mask to sort the boys stuff it stunk so bad. Sorry mom from my smelly clothes from summer camp. I have almost all of it done. I have like 3 more loads left.
Corrisa said she showered everyday and the boys said they showered only once. That doesn't surprise me, but I feel sorry for their councilor. Briley spent all his money and wants to take more next year. Corrisa memorized 2 John 1:1-11 for a free t-shirt. Briley said he memorized a couple of verses and Miles never said(I don't think anyway).
I am happy the kids are home and glad they had fun. I can't wait until next year because I am going with them. I hope nana wants the rest of the kids.
Miles went kayaking, climbed the rock wall, fished early in the morning and saw the fog hanging above the lake. He said it looked beautiful. He said he didn't do any crafts because he spent most of his time at the lake swimming. He said the stories of poop being in the water didn't stop him because he didn't want his week ruined. Miles can't wait to go the next camp in a week.
Briley climbed the rock wall 5 times and I think went fishing one day. He made a spinning top in the craft house. He didn't tell me too much because the big talkers were over powering him.
Corrisa went jet skiing, climbed the rock wall, played lots of games, stayed up most the time talking and doing devotions. She was bounced off the banana boat by two of the men from the church. She made lots of friends. She made a shirt and won a shirt.
They all loved the food except Briley who thought mine was better. The boys were put to work outside and Corrisa is sleeping in the recliner with the baby. She is way too tired to work.
Miles and Briley bought Gabe and Elijah squirt guns. Miles bought me a big box of dots candy. And nobody bought Mark anything.
I started on the laundry. I thought I was going to need a gas mask to sort the boys stuff it stunk so bad. Sorry mom from my smelly clothes from summer camp. I have almost all of it done. I have like 3 more loads left.
Corrisa said she showered everyday and the boys said they showered only once. That doesn't surprise me, but I feel sorry for their councilor. Briley spent all his money and wants to take more next year. Corrisa memorized 2 John 1:1-11 for a free t-shirt. Briley said he memorized a couple of verses and Miles never said(I don't think anyway).
I am happy the kids are home and glad they had fun. I can't wait until next year because I am going with them. I hope nana wants the rest of the kids.
Friday, June 27, 2008
June 27, 2008
Well, my oldest 3 children have been at camp since Sunday. I think I am starting to go crazy. I didn't realize how much I would miss them. My daughter is especially missed. She is a great help to me. I can't wait to pick them up tomarrow. Of course they will only be home for a week and then off they go again.
The youngest 3 are keeping me very busy. The baby is into everything. I need to get some more baby gates. He seems to figure out all the contraptions I put to keep him out of stuff. The 4 and 6 year olds are always wanting to be on the go also. Gabe, the 6 year old, thinks he needs to be playing video games all the time. And Elijah, the 4 year old, thinks he needs to be at the park or somewhere other then home.
It is such a beautiful day here. I am washing beds and letting them dry in the fresh air. Nothing like crawling into bed with freshly washed and line dryed sheets and blankets. I love spring. Of course it is getting late enough in the year to almost be summer. It is starting to get hot and humid, but it is still beautifull.
The youngest 3 are keeping me very busy. The baby is into everything. I need to get some more baby gates. He seems to figure out all the contraptions I put to keep him out of stuff. The 4 and 6 year olds are always wanting to be on the go also. Gabe, the 6 year old, thinks he needs to be playing video games all the time. And Elijah, the 4 year old, thinks he needs to be at the park or somewhere other then home.
It is such a beautiful day here. I am washing beds and letting them dry in the fresh air. Nothing like crawling into bed with freshly washed and line dryed sheets and blankets. I love spring. Of course it is getting late enough in the year to almost be summer. It is starting to get hot and humid, but it is still beautifull.
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